If you saw a deer in your dream it might indicate that soon you’re about to achieve some success. It’s possible that before you made any big decisions about your life you used to think it over a lot and consult other people, but now you’ve decided to just follow your instincts, and it turned out to be a great decision. You’ve decided not to talk much about plans you have in progress, and you’re done worrying about how they will turn out. You will simply start working, and as this dream about a deer suggested you will have one success after another.
11 interpretations of dreams about a deer
Dream of a deer with big antlers
To dream about a deer with big antlers symbolizes anger. You’re a person who is able to forgive someone, but you will never forget, You’re very careful around people that have hurt you before, and you think it’s just a matter of time before they do it again. Such an attitude keeps you at a safe distance from others, but it also doesn´t allow you to have beautiful new experiences.
To dream about killing a deer
Dreaming about killing a deer represents a feeling of grief. You often think about missed opportunities and what your life would have been like if you had more courage and fulfilled some desires that, unfortunately, conflicted with something that was expected from you. Maybe you envy the people who are living the dream, but at the same time you’re grateful for everything beautiful in your life and that is what’s keeping you going.
To dream of a deer running
If in your dream you saw a deer running it can indicate that you will get some good news or have great success in reality. Something you thought was impossible is about to become reality. Then you will realize that there is always hope, no matter how something seems unattainable.
Check also the meaning of dreams about a horse.
To dream of a deer grazing on the grass
A dream of a deer grazing on the grass symbolizes wealth. It doesn’t necessarily have to be material wealth, it can also be spiritual. You will finally realize that a wealthy person isn’t just someone who has a lot of money, but some, like you, who has great friends and family as well.
Dreaming of a herd of deers
A herd of deer in a dream can have multiple meanings. You probably have a person next to you with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. Regardless of the occasional setbacks and problems that are inherent in any relationship, you are sure that this is the right person for you. Another meaning of a herd of deers in a dream is victory over a powerful enemy. You may be struggling with unfair competition at work, a rival, even government or judicial institutions. In any case, that torment will soon end in your favor.
Dream about feeding a deer
A dream in which you were feeding a deer might imply you’re going to take more care of yourself in the future. So far, you have put a lot of effort and energy into making everyone around you happy, but you have realized that you should be a priority to yourself. That is why you will pay more attention to your hobbies and things that you enjoy, convinced that you will be able to transfer your positive energy to other people.
A dream in which you see others feeding a deer predicts a new, interesting acquaintance. You will meet someone whose views of the world will delight you. You will realize that you can learn a lot from that person, and you will try to spend as much time as possible in his / her company.
Running away from a deer
Running away from a deer might represent a sense of guilt you’re having because of some things you’ve done in your past. It’s probably something you’re not proud of, but instead of admitting your mistakes and doing everything you can to minimize their harmful consequences, you’re still “sweeping the problem under the rug.” Show that you are responsible, to yourself and others and guilty conscience will not bother you anymore.
If you saw someone else running from a deer, it might mean that soon someone you’re close with will come to you for help with a sensitive problem.
Check what does it mean to dream about a pig.
Dreaming about hunting a deer
It’s probably something you’re not proud of, but instead of admitting your mistakes and doing everything you can to minimize their harmful consequences, you’re still “sweeping the problem under the rug.” Show that you are responsible, to yourself and others and guilty conscience will not bother you anymore.
Dream about someone else hunting a deer is a message that you can’t always get what you want. You’re not accustomed to losing and are finding it very difficult to accept defeat. You do not admit that it is over until you use every opportunity that would bring you what you want. However, there are situations that are beyond your control and all you can do is accept the fact that you have lost.
Being attacked by a deer
This kind of dream carries a strong message, and that is to stop pretending to be something you are not. Because of other people, you came to the conclusion that you have to change, but on that path, you ignored the fact that with that process comes the loss of identity, characteristics that made you the person you are. It’s time to realize that no one and nothing is worth losing yourself.
When you dream that a deer has attacked someone else, it implies hidden rage. It is possible that someone made you angry, and you did not want or did not dare to oppose him. It’s probably a person you respect, like an older family member or your boss. You would like to prove him/her wrong, but your upbringing or fear of being fired does not allow you to do so.
Dreaming of a white deer
White deers are an extremely rare species, and it is widely believed that they symbolize purity, nobility, and spiritual growth. If you see a white deer in a forest in the dream, it means that you are capable of realizing an idea that is currently running through your head in the best possible way. In addition, this kind of dream carries a strong message, and that is to continue to do good and never allow people, circumstances, or any troubles to change you.
Dreaming of a black deer
Black deer, in our dreams, symbolize resilience and strength. You’re the type of person that faces and overcome all your problems without fear and other people envy you because of that.
Check also the symbolism of dreams about a bull.

Another interpretation could be that you just recently saw a deer and it left an impression on you.
A deer dream.
I was walking with a small group of deer through the woods… We were calm and accepting of each others presence… We meandered down a small hill to a cool stream. Growing around the stream was large leafy foliage, some with puffy white flowers… They stopped to eat and drink, I found a patch of berries and picked some as well… It was peaceful, calm, restorative and beautiful… Then I awoke.