The aquarium is a pretty cheerful symbol that represents happiness, love, favorable changes and the birth of children. But that can be interpreted ambiguously, depending on the circumstances of your dream. If the fish in the aquarium are very beautiful, for young women it is a sign of impending marriage. And the groom will be an influential and rich person. However, if you dream of a broken aquarium it represents trouble and worries.
Often an aquarium with fish swimming gracefully and calmly symbolizes rest and peace. This means you can relax and enjoy a peaceful life. If the water is muddy, it hints at troubles in the relationship. A general picture of an aquarium in a dream world, such as one that is devoid of certain details or characteristics, means that your financial situation will improve significantly.
14 interpretations of dreams about an aquarium
Dream of an aquarium full of fish
According to the dream dictionary, when you dream of an aquarium full of fish, that could mean that you have a lot to worry about. You feel a great responsibility because a lot of people rely on you. You have responsibilities that must be fulfilled within a certain period of time, but your situation, when it comes to finances, often does not allow you to do so. The family is not aware of your issues and sometimes they blame you for not caring enough about them.
You are hurt by their ingratitude and concern about material things. You think you did not have to give them everything because you made them incompetent of self-care. You will see your mistakes so you will often seek solace in gambling, alcohol or other vices that could create greater difficulties for you than you are currently in.
Dream of an empty aquarium
When in a dream you see an empty aquarium, is a good sign that you are concerned without a real reason. You may have relationship problems because of your jealousy. Your partner is trying to make you understand, but you are not so sure that he is honest. You control his every step and look for problems where there are none. People who love you will realize that something is wrong and will tell you how to change your behavior towards your partner until it is too late.
Dreaming of a small aquarium
If you dream about a pretty small aquarium that contains only a few fish, it means that you might meet a dear person whom you have not seen for a long time. Maybe it’s someone who has meant so much to you in the past or even a person you’ve been in a relationship with. Anyhow, this meeting will not result in a new/ old romance, but it will be pleasant for you because it will evoke beautiful memories that you didn’t think about for a long time.
Check also the symbolism of dreams about fish.
Dream of a large aquarium
If you dream of a large aquarium, it may mean that you will have a strange situation at work, in traffic or in college. Someone will try to put you up against a severe challenge. You will get the opportunity to work with a certain group of people who apparently do not share your opinion and views on many important issues. This might make you feel not so powerless and you will begin to believe that the problem is in you. However, you should not draw any conclusions too soon, maybe your colleagues could positively surprise you if you show expertise and expectation that your joint work will be successful.
To dream of breaking the aquarium in your sleep
If you dreamed that you broke an aquarium, that often means that someone close to you has finally realized what kind of person you are and he or she will start to appreciate what you do. It is also possible that your hard work will soon receive a financial justification and official confirmation.
A dream in which you dream of a broken aquarium tells you that someone might ask you for advice in the field of love, having faith in your sincerity and efforts to help them. It will not be very easy for you because such advice might cost you some friendships, but you will still do your best to help the person you care about.
Dreaming of a dirty aquarium
A dream of a dirty aquarium symbolizes suspicion and not-so-good news. There is a possibility that information will reach you that you cannot believe is true because it would ruin the one’s reputation you value very much. Although it will bother you so much, you will choose to stay away and not question other people’s actions.
To dream of cleaning the aquarium
Dreaming of cleaning the aquarium can mean that you will finally get rid of negative and dark thoughts or negative people that have a bad effect on your state of mind. After a social and emotional cleansing, you will see things clearer and be able to make some important decisions. You will feel great relief because everything will turn down in its place and you’ll finally be able to organize your time and space better.
To dream of buying an aquarium
If you dream of buying a new aquarium, your subconscious mind warns you that you will feel lonely. Although you will often be surrounded by a lot of people, still, you will not feel connected to them. Moreover, you will be tormented by the suspicion that they do not want to accept you for who you are. Such a feeling will cause insecurity and undermine your confidence.
If you haven’t had a partner for a long time, you will begin to reconsider your actions and wonder where you went wrong in previous relationships. A dream where you see someone buying a new aquarium means financial gain. You might receive an inheritance or find a side hustle that will bring you additional income.
To dream of selling an aquarium
A dream in which you are selling an aquarium can mean that you will find yourself in a situation where you have to arrange something for someone. At some point, the plan will reach a standstill and it will seem to you that the person you are talking to will not be able to calmly accept the truth, so if you want to protect yourself, you will resort to lies. However, you should be careful because often a small lie can drag you into a vicious circle from which you will find it difficult to get out.
To dream of getting an aquarium as a gift
If you dream that someone is giving you an aquarium, it means that you doubt your partner’s fidelity or the sincerity of a friend or acquaintance. Tiny signs will surely tell you when something is not right. However, it is possible that the suspicion will be further fueled by their actions, but you will also discover something they are hiding.
Anyhow, you will have to be very careful not to blame anyone without real and strong evidence. You should solve the issues by talking and not by drawing conclusions that are based on feelings alone. In order for the current situation to calm down, you should hear what the other side has to say as well.
Also, see what does it mean to dream about gifts.
To dream of giving someone an aquarium
A dream in which you give someone an aquarium means that you have a good period ahead of you. All the effort you put into something will eventually be rewarded. You will do your best to help someone in trouble and that person will be very grateful to you and will reciprocate at the right time.
To dream that you are trapped inside an aquarium
If you dreamed that you were trapped inside an aquarium and the outside world does not hear you, your subconscious is telling you how indifferent you are to some people around you. You are probably focused mostly on yourself and do not have the energy to cope with other people and their problems.
To dream of swimming in a large aquarium
If you dream to swim with fish in a large aquarium, that means that you will feel free in the waking world, after all. You were under stress but it will slowly begin to resolve. Perhaps you could change your job, your partner, or place of residence, which will come in handy.